Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2009-08-25 Release

Release 2009-08-25 has been uploaded and is ready to go!
The companion server side REPL jar is up as well:

I've put together a short video that goes over some of the new functionality in this release:

Thanks to everyone for all your feedback (and patience). Please keep it coming...

Partial feature list for this release:
  • REPL
  • Integrated Pretty Printer (clojure.contrib.pprint)
  • Browsable/searchable persistent history
  • Improved UI
  • Hyperlinks for errors
  • Bug fixes for passing JVM args to the REPLs
  • Clojure Platforms
  • Ability to define multiple Clojure platforms to support
  • developing/supporting code that uses different versions of clojure.
  • Editor Support
  • "Go to definition" has been added.
  • Paste and eval expression in REPL (to support better REPL history)
Known issues:
1. There is a bug in Netbeans that causes the uninstall to hang. This appears
to have been corrected with version 6.7.1 on the Mac but I still experienced the
problem on Windows. You will have to manually remove the entries from your
.netbeans preferences dirs in order to remove the previous plugin until the
Netbeans folks correct this. Here is the reference to the bug in question and a
suggestion for a workaround:
"That is unfortunately a bug in autoupdate, your plugin is not the reason of the failure.

I would recommend temporarily disable (comment) ergonomics cluster in etc/netbeans.clusters, start IDE, uninstall the plugin
and enable ergonomics back."

2. Connecting to Remote REPLs.
In order to connect to a remote REPL, clojure.contrib.pprint must be
running in the remote
application. The companion server side
REPL jar requires this for this release.